Align With Your Dream

Today, let’s get realigned with our truth and move away from the lie that doing anything for ourselves is selfish. We don’t have to be selfless to be good moms. We CAN fulfill ourselves and our obligations simultaneously!

We’re are going to start over with a clean slate. Hold on to the people you love and start clean everywhere else.

Imagine having no friends, no career, no home, no extended family… what would you do? What would you create for yourself with that blank slate?

Seriously! Take a few moments now and imagine that most crazy, exciting life that you desire right now. It can be anything, even something that makes people say, “That’s insane!”

I have personally gotten SO clear on how I lost myself in early motherhood and as a human being. It really helped me discover something. If we are destroyed, distraught, and unhappy, we are no good to anyone else.

I have a confession. There are STILL ways that I show up that I’m not proud of. Little patterns on being in the world that I have that I use to keep myself small.

Here’s a visual for you. I’m living inside a plastic bag and it’s tied shut. IT’s all around and keeps me safe. I look and appear normal. IT keeps me from hurting peoples’ feelings, appearing too shiny, or too bright. But now, I’m committed to stepping out of the bag to show who I really am! There’s a sense of truth that we can get to when we step outside of this bag or take off the mask.

What’s inside your plastic bag? Are you ready to show us who you really are?

Write down what would happen if you removed that plastic bag or mask. Write down the fantasy of what you could be if you felt that you could be undeniably yourself. Go crazy! You might have more than one fantasy life. Really think about the dream life that you could have, not necessarily the one you are committed to having. Use your imagination!

Now, write the safe version of your dream. Allow yourself to imagine what is most realistic for this one.

Lastly, imagine a really yucky version of your life. What would happen if you fell back into old patterns and habits? What if you didn’t change things you don’t like? How would it feel 10 years from now if I kept doing the same thing that I’m doing today?

Alright, now we have at least three life scenarios in front of us. Our crazy amazing life, our safe life, and a really yucky one.

The other day, I was hiking with my kids. We got the top of a mountain and I had this vision that I need to share with you. I envisioned myself walking up that mountain again along the path that I know takes me to the top of the mountain. If I changed my direction even six inches, I could end up on a completely different mountain. This is why course correction is so important.

We can get distracted and wander off, but course correction keeps us grounded and aligned with our dream so we can get there.

Today, you don’t need to make any moves toward your dream. Simply get that clarity by imagining yourself in that dream. Embody what it could feel like.

I’ve personally started down this path to my dream and it’s scary because it’s completely unknown. It’s scary to go into that darkness, and it’s necessary to get to the top!

There’s an amazing story from a book I’ve been loving called Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul. You can hear it in the video starting at the 14:56 mark.

What is the vivid dream that you really want? Let me know below in the comments!

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