It happened again last week. With the kids back in school and a new routine settling in, the to-do list felt endless.
I felt overwhelmed by all the new house projects I wanted to accomplish, unexpected curveballs, and the ever-present need to juggle it all—homework, after-school activities, work deadlines, and household chores.
I could feel my breath speeding up. My shoulders started creeping toward my ears. Patience with my kids was wearing thin, and irritation was creeping in.
I felt like I had way too much to do and nowhere near enough time to do it all. But then I remembered: I had a workout scheduled that day. And when I paused to ask my body what she needed, she clearly told me she needed to move.
I really wanted to cancel. My mind was stuck in the loop of “every moment must be spent being productive because I have so much to do.” But I knew this loop well, and I also knew that when I’m in this mindset, not only do I feel overwhelmed, but I also don’t do my best work. And I’m definitely not the mom I want to be.
Thankfully, I remembered a mantra I’ve been practicing:
**ME first, tasks second.**
I’ve learned to trust that nurturing myself first will help me manage everything else with more ease and clarity.
So, I did my workout. I moved my body, just as she asked me to.
And, just like every other time I’ve done this, it worked. I felt amazing afterward—positive, energized, and with a clear mind.
When I sat down to tackle my work, I breezed through it with joy. What I thought would take all day to complete only took a few hours, leaving me time to check off other tasks as well. It’s the strangest thing, but when I prioritize my own needs, I save time. I get more done in less time because I’ve taken care of what matters most first.
Logically, it might seem that when we take time away from our long list of responsibilities to care for ourselves, we’ll end up with less time to get things done. But the opposite is true. As moms, we often feel the pressure to keep going, to push through, to be everything for everyone. But when we take the time to befriend time and put our needs first, we find that not only do we manage to get everything done, but we do it with more grace, more joy, and more empowerment.
This isn’t just about workouts. Sometimes putting yourself first might mean taking a nap, making a nourishing meal in the middle of the day, going for a walk, or simply lying down for 15 minutes. When you take care of yourSELF first and everything else second, you save time. You take care of your health. You’re happier. And you get more done.
This is a key focus in The Mother’s Empowerment Sisterhood where we support each other in embracing self-care, managing time effectively, and feeling empowered as we navigate the school year together. I hope you’ll consider giving it a try. Your body—and your family—will thank you.
How can you start befriending time and putting yourSELF first this school year? What happens in your life when you practice this? What happens when you don’t? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!