Inflation. Recession. Money. War.

Are these or other buzzwords floating around your home too? In that case, they’re probably causing you great concern.

That’s why I’m making a big effort to actively practice presence. Anxiety and worries can easily take over if I don’t have the tools to manage them. That’s why, in the Mother’s Empowerment Sisterhood, we’re tackling a big, important subject this month:

If you’re facing stressful, overwhelming, anxiety-producing times – please send me an email specifically letting me know how this is affecting you and your kids. You don’t have to deal with this alone.

Meanwhile, let me tell you what helps me when I’m feeling anxious:

Deep Breathing: Engaging in deep breathing exercises to calm my nervous system is one of the first things I teach my MES (Morher’s Empowerment Sisters). Give it a try: inhale deeply for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and exhale slowly for a count of four. Repeat this several times.

Mindfulness or Meditation: I meditate every morning for 5 minutes (short and sweet!) to bring my focus to the present moment. Concentrating on my breath helps ground me and reduces anxious thoughts.

Physical Activity: I engage in physical activities like going for a walk, practicing yoga, or even laughing yoga. Exercise releases endorphins and reduces stress, helping to alleviate my anxiety.

Remember – mindset makes the difference in every situation. So if you choose one of these practices, do it with an ICAN attitude.

If you’d like to Deepen Into Presence so that you can Live Empowered check out the MES membership here.


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