The Mother’s
Empowerment Podcast
The Mother’s Empowerment Podcast is here to help you build a life you love by keeping it super simple, encouraging you to lean into sisterhood, and reminding you that empowerment is an inside job. Look for a new episode every week.
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Riteous Anger At Its Finest with Bianca Sprague
Have you ever felt like you’re on the brink of burning up in a fit of rage, only to tamp it all down as a way to survive?
If so, Bianca is your gal! Bianca Sprague is a passionate educator and advocate in the doula community, focusing her expertise on supporting women and queer individuals in the fields of fertility, birth, and postpartum care. As a self- identified 'super lesbian' and a dedicated mother, Bianca brings a unique perspective to her work, emphasizing the importance of balancing professional doula responsibilities with personal life, especially for mothers. She is deeply committed to addressing issues like queer care, combating fatphobia in medicine, and exploring women's rage and its implications.
The Three Pillars of Village with Jacob Laub
Ever wondered how to truly cultivate village?
In this episode of The Mother’s Empowerment Podcast Jake lays it all out for us with the 3 required pillars: consistency, culture, and proximity. We discuss the importance of maintaining collective lives, what to do if one of the pillars is missing, why challenges that come up aren’t “bad”, and why cultivating joy both together and apart is a huge part of culture.
The Moon is My Calendar With April McMurtry
Learn more about April and The Moon is My Calendar here:
Become a Village Tender With Kerry Ingram
As modern-day women, it can be common to feel disconnected: from ourselves and our community. This feeling of disconnect can make it even more difficult to see through the heavy, winter seasons of life to the light on the other side.
Four Ways To Be A Really Bad Listener
In this special episode of The Mother's Empowerment Podcast, join me for a rare solo episode, as I share 4 ways to be a BAD listener. I reflect on ways I have been a bad listener and what I learned from those experiences.
Fall More In Love with Money, Your Partner and Your Life
If you believe creative fulfillment is important, but so is financial stability- this is the episide for you!!!
Refuel Your Energy Through Tapping
In this episode of The Mother's Empowerment Podcast you can experience the emotional benefits of Tapping as Leah Recor leads you through a tapping experience inviting you to release anxiety and overwhelm.
Bridging the Chasm: How Middle-Aged Women Can Take Back Their Power and Create A Healing Axis
Want to master the art of communicating with your doctor? Then keep reading.
In today's episode, we have the incredible Marny Culpepper, an acupuncturist and functional medicine practitioner. Marny outlines statistics showing disparities in healthcare outcomes for women, particularly in emergency settings. She discusses how women's health concerns are often overlooked or minimized, and the need for women to be proactive advocates for their own care.
Sacred Communication with Shauna Lay
Sacred communication in our partnerships helps us build understanding and closeness, and it is often the first step towards a deep intimate connection.
For many humans though, communication often seems to be a challenge and the reason why we feel disconnected and annoyed with each other.
Embrace Your Inner Diva with Peta Bastian
I’m so excited to introduce to you my mentor and dear friend, Peta Bastian. Learn more about her at
Stop Over Complicating Things!
What are some of the ways we overcomplicate? We keep gathering more and more opinions rather than forming our own. We think “but I don’t know how”. We learn more and more and then discover that there are contradictions! We even sometimes choose confusion over clarity
Refuel Your Energy Through Tapping with Leah Recor
In this episode of The Mother's Empowerment Podcast, you can experience the emotional benefits of Tapping as Leah Recor leads you through a tapping experience inviting you to release anxiety and overwhelm.
Reset Your Meal Plan with Michelle Fox
Have you ever heard the words “meal prep” only to imagine tupperwares full of plain chicken, rice, and green beans?
Maybe you genuinely want to eat healthier and plan ahead, but you find yourself overwhelmed by the process, and well, you don’t have six hours to prep food every Sunday. (Who does?)
Inner Sistering With Lindsay Marten Ellis
This episode explores ways to cultivate a relationship with your inner sister through mindfulness. We delve into tips and techniques for identifying and focusing on the good in your life and expanding positivity for a more fulfilling and joyful existence.
From Fear to Empowerment with Brenda Winkle
"What do you do when you have a friend that is in trouble? Good quetion! Welcome to The Mother's Empowerment Podcast!
External Power vs Internal Empowerment with Lisa Nichols
There’s something most people are completely unaware of, but is super crucial – how our nervous system plays a big role in our relationship with motherhood.
Navigating the Menopause Transition with Julia Mitchell
There is undoubtedly a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about menopause... starting with the simple matter of how the various stages of menopause are classified.
Finding Balance with Shonda Moralis
"In today's episode, we explore the following concepts:
*Is balance even possible
*Mothering during different seasons of life
*Using our breath as a powerful reset, even in our busiest of moments
*And so much more...
This one feels big, important and timely to me... for all of us. So I hope you love it!
Grow Your Own Dream With Jadah Sellner
I like to ask myself 'What is the most loving thing I can do moment by moment?' I make decisions by choosing with love, leading with love, and leaving with love rather than making them from a place of FEAR (an acronym for: Forcing, Exhausting, Avoidance, Rigidity.)"
The Art of Allowing With Marisa Belger
Listen in as Marisa and I talk about practice that help us get more present so we can enjoy this one precious life. Learn more about Marisa at