
So, what are we going to be, do and have this month?

This month, our focus is on being The AUTHENTIC SELF. It’s easy to feel like you’re playing a role, navigating through life’s expectations and responsibilities without really connecting with who you truly are. I get it—the endless cycle of daily tasks can sometimes make it hard to remember that you’re more than just a set of roles and routines.

But this month, we’re stepping out from behind the masks we wear and stepping into our most genuine selves. You’re not just a participant in life’s play—you’re the lead actor, crafting a performance that’s true to who you really are.

As the lead in your own story, it’s time to align your actions with your core values and passions. We're going to explore how to shed those layers of societal expectations and self-imposed limitations, and instead, focus on what truly resonates with us.

Living authentically means acting with intention and embracing the quirks, passions, and beliefs that make you unique. It means making choices that reflect your true self, even when it’s challenging or uncomfortable.

This month, we’re going to dive into exercises and reflections that will help you reconnect with your authentic self. By aligning your day-to-day actions with your deepest values, you’ll find a sense of fulfillment and joy that’s rooted in who you really are.

  1. Identify Your Core Values: What principles guide you, and how can you align your actions with these values?

  2. Reflect on Your Personality Traits: What activities ignite your enthusiasm, and how can you incorporate them into your daily life?

  3. Acknowledge Your Strengths and Weaknesses: What are your natural talents, and how can you use them in an authentic way?

  4. Explore Your Boundaries: What are your personal limits, and how can setting clear boundaries help you stay true to yourself?

  5. Understand Your Motivations: What drives you, and how can you ensure that your motivations reflect your true self?

  6. Address Your Fears: What fears hold you back from being authentic, and how can you confront them?

  7. Celebrate Your Unique Journey: What makes your journey unique, and how can you embrace and share this uniqueness with the world?

By asking these questions, you'll be navigating your own path towards authenticity, shedding the layers that don’t serve you, and embracing the person you’re meant to be.

Remember, EMPOWERMENT is a journey, not a destination. It’s about continuously returning to your true self and living from a place of genuine alignment.

Let’s embark on this journey together and celebrate the incredible power of being authentically you.

Know thyself

Journal Questions/Prompts:

  1. How am I entering this experience?

  2. How am I feeling as I begin this journey (or this leg of the journey)?

  3. What am I hoping will happen?

  4. Why is this important to me?

  5. Do I have any fears, doubts or concerns coming up?

  6. Is there anything that would bring me comfort or reassurance as I access new levels of courage and willingness to live into my desired levels of prosperity and actualized purpose?

Here’s a list of ideas for ways you can embrace this month’s theme.