Guided meditation on values @ 7:30
Belle leads the group through a guided meditation to help them connect with their core values. She invites them to reflect on what's most important to them and to visualize letting go of anything that stands in the way of living those values.
Sharing top values @ 21:06
The participants share their top values - One sister says respect is her top value, another says peace and calm are, and Belle says love and family are hers. They discuss the challenges of living up to their values and the importance of self-respect.
Exploring obstacles to living values @ 24:43
The group dives deeper into the obstacles that can get in the way of living their values, such as high expectations, judging others, and getting caught up in stories. They discuss strategies for overcoming these challenges.
Closing ritual @ 1:05:39
The participants each choose a personal item to imbue with their top value, using visualization and intention. They share the meaning behind their chosen items and how they plan to use them as reminders.
Wrap-up and next steps @ 1:09:52
The group agrees to reconvene for a mentor conversation on August 26th at 11:30am PST / 2:30 pm EST. They express gratitude for the session and share the values they are taking with them.