Renew Energy

Here’s a list of ideas for ways you can embrace this month’s theme of reclaiming our energy. You don’t have to do all of the items below, but I recommend paying close attention to those you’re excited about and those you have resistance around. Start with those!

  • Attend our Mentor Conversation call live this month and/or go back through the archive and do a replay session or two to focus on embodied nervous system healing.

  • Participate in this month’s gathering.

  • Listen to the Refuel Energy toolbox.

  • Journal about how you’ve cared for yourself that day so you can look back and notice what a difference it really makes to put on your own oxygen mask first.

  • Lay down on the ground outside and give any stress, tension, grief, worry, or limiting beliefs to Mother Earth to compost them.

  • Practice nervous system healing tools to increase your window of tolerance and ability to maintain or return to a sense of safety in your body. Ideas are: shaking, standing on the ground barefoot, breathing into your lower back ribs for 10 rounds of breath, noticing gravity holding you, taking a walk, singing, getting out into a forest, or moving your body rhythmically.


You have worked so hard! I know that because... you're a mom + you're an empowered woman; which means you're striving to be an intentional human... and so I'm going to guess you're giving your ALL to your family (even if it sometimes doesn't seem like it to you).

Even if you don't notice all the amazing things you do... the good news is that, as your fellow Mother’s Empowerment Sisters, WE DO! We notice, validate, celebrate, and appreciate everything you give (even those little things you, or others around you, seem to take for granted).

This month is all about: YOU.

It's about refilling your cup, recharging your battery, and re-energizing your mind, body, and soul. It's about celebrating, pampering, relaxing, sleeping, and feeding yourself amazing nutritious food. You'll spend this month on tending to, caring for, and loving on... YOURSELF!

You can grab your PLAYBOOK now.

But.... I hope you can join me live tomorrow as we kickoff a special Co-working!

Let's get you that empowering strength so you can have a sustainable, enjoyable year ahead...

Refuel you Energy so that you can Live Empowered,


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4