Establishing safety and vulnerability
The group discusses the importance of feeling safe to communicate openly and vulnerably. They share insights on how to create a safe container, the role of intuition in assessing trust, and the distinction between playing it safe versus creating true safety.
Sharing personal stories and struggles
Participants take turns sharing intimate details about their lives, including grief, postpartum challenges, learning differences in children, and the lasting impact of traumatic experiences. The group holds space for these vulnerable disclosures.
Ritual of the Priestess
The group engages in a guided ritual to invoke the archetype of the Priestess, exploring past desires for communication and self-expression, and envisioning how to embody the Priestess energy when communicating today and in the future. Two participants share their experiences going through the ritual.
Closing reflections and next steps
The group reflects on the meaning they made of the Gathering, acknowledging the significance of those who stayed through the full session as well as those who had to depart. They discuss plans for follow-up one-on-one conversations and express gratitude for the shared experience.