Before we dive in, I want to invite you to reflect on this past year. Reflect on the vision, clarity, and values that you did or didn't have. Briefly take stock of that past year either on your own or with your partner.
Don’t get stuck here.
In The Mother’s Empowerment Sisterhood, we look back just briefly to learn about where we’re coming from and then we quickly reorient ourselves to where we’re going next.
This month, you’re going to take the time to go through this process. I want you to book it into your calendar right now.
You could do it on your own in a couple of hours–just you, your journal, and a cup of coffee
You could go all out and book yourself a hotel with your partner (if you have one)--and perhaps turn it into an annual retreat
You could do something in between, such as a couple of hours for 5 nights after the kids fall asleep–light a candle, brew some tea and work through the questions
Regardless of how you choose to go through this process, set aside some time either on your own or with your partner so you can come out on the other side with a mission that aligns with your goals.
Answering these questions is going to give you so much clarity and enthusiasm about your game plan for your family.
Choose one vision to focus on this month, and as you get comfortable with the process, you can apply it to another goal and another. Here are the 3 types of goals to choose from:
Level 1: Something you want to work on right now or in the near future (i.e. saving money for a trip, redoing the bathroom, teaching my child the ABCs, etc.)
Level 2: Something that takes more effort, over several years (i.e. building a business, moving to a new country, etc.)
Level 3: Something that involves looking decades into the future (i.e. achieving financial freedom, building strong relationships with my adult children, etc.)
Let’s Manifest Creative Power so we can Live Empowered!