Do you feel disoriented, scatterbrained, or behind

You’re in luck--it’s time to Manifest Your Creative Power!


I know, there's no such thing as behind here in The Mother’s Empowerment Sisterhood, but I think many of us have this recurring sensation that we aren't where we were supposed to be in life

We live in a world where we’re bombarded with so much information and choice. It's a gift to have choices, but it can also be paralyzing

  • Most of us humans like clarity, rhythm, and predictability, with a little bit of spontaneity and excitement thrown in. 

  • For the most part, we like to know what to focus on and what to do next. 

  • When there are too many decisions to make at once, we feel very disoriented, scatterbrained, and behind

For many women that I talk to, there are so many ongoing decisions to make, not just for ourselves, but for our children as well

Making choices for our children around school, sleep, food, and activities can feel completely overwhelming, especially with the information overload we experience today. 

If you're feeling that decision fatigue and overwhelm, this theme is for you

Why? When we begin to MANIFEST OUR CREATIVE POWER, we get clarity on what DIRECTION we want to go. The biggest gift you can give yourself is knowing what to focus on and what to do next. 

When you want to go somewhere, you get in your car. If you have no idea where you’re going, you’re in for a stressful, disorienting experience. You're going to be taking all kinds of unnecessary detours or getting completely lost. 

This month is about orienting ourselves so we can direct our lives appropriately and avoid traffic jams. 

The process we’re going through this month can be applied to both the big and small decisions in your life. We will uncover:

  • Who we are and where we're going

  • What obstacles stand in our way and how to overcome them

  • What success looks like so we can orient ourselves correctly

You have to spend your time, energy, money, and resources on something. We want to be spending those resources deliberately on the things that move us towards our goals:

  • Having a good night's sleep 

  • Getting out of debt 

  • Starting a business

  • Hosting Sunday brunch

  • Homeschooling or unschooling your children 

  • Traveling, living on a boat, living off-grid, building your dream house, etc. 

Any mission that you're on will benefit greatly from the process that we're going to outline this month. 

You might have a small vision like building a treehouse or a big vision like moving to a different country. You’re going to pick one to tackle this month. 

Another thing we’ll discuss is your values. Getting clear on your values is going to completely transform the way you make decisions. 

We’re also going to dig into the idea of sacrifice--an unpopular concept but an important one when it comes to Manifesting. What are the prices that I need to pay? What's the cost of reaching my vision?