In this Lesson

Are you feeling FOMO, aimless, or blah If so, this is the month to change your relationship with “this is us!”

Let’s Honor and Design Culture.

In a world where we are so busy, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of being a mom and lose sight of what's really important. We can easily become frustrated that we don't have enough time for everything that needs to be done. NOT ANYMORE!!!

Which Core Values Resonate with you the most?

Culture tells us who we are, whose we are and what values we have. This month, let’s start to narrow down our top 3 core values. Take a look at the list below and notice which words your eyes land on first. How do these words make you feel? Do any of them seem extra resonant to you? Why? During our gathering, we will be going into a paired share to talk about our core values and whether or not we are honoring those values in our current lives. I also welcome you to drop into our Facebook group to share what your top 3 core values are.